Hands-On Boater Training

Complete training on your boat on Buckeye Lake. Captain Kelly will meet you at your dock or a public launch ramp for hands on boater training. A Hebron resident, living on Buckeye Lake, he recognizes the need to promote safe boating locally. Captain Kelly is a former US Coast Guard Boating Safety Officer and an ODNR Certified Boat Trainer on Buckeye Lake.

Please note that all trips & orientations will be conducted on your personal boat. All boats are required to be properly registered and insured before booking a service. It is recommended that boats to be used have at least a half tank of gas.


The first of its kind business on the lake offers several hands-on training programs which will be conducted on a boat owner/operators vessel. The services are oriented toward pontoon boats and power boats.

A variety of packages are available.  

$199  – Safe Boater Training 
$ 99   – Trailer Launch & Retrieval
$139  – Tour of Buckeye Lake
$139  – After Dark Tour of Buckeye Lake

Please see below for more details. 

Safe Boater Training

Captain Kelly will review your safety equipment and provide instruction on how to dock and maneuver your boat. He will explain how to navigate Buckeye Lake safely along with areas to avoid. He will provide you with a tour of the lake on your boat – showing how to navigate to various attractions on the lake.

Trailer Launch & Retrieval

Captain Kelly will meet you at a public launch ramp for approximately 75 minutes of hands on training launching and retrieving your boat from your trailer.

Includes backing with your vehicle and boat; check for safety equipment and review how to use, maintain and test equipment.

Tour of Buckeye Lake

Captain Kelly will meet you at your dock or a public launch ramp for approximately a two hour tour of Buckeye Lake on your boat.

We will cover many areas of Buckeye Lake; includes check for safety equipment; location of restaurants, marinas, gas docks, shopping, coves, swim areas, channels and secluded areas. Tour includes depths of water, underwater hazards, clearance of bridges and best practices for boating.

After Dark Tour
    of Buckeye Lake

Captain Kelly will meet you at your dock or a public launch ramp for an advanced workshop on hands on boater training. Approximately a two hour tour of Buckeye Lake after dark on your boat: includes location of restaurants and marinas.

He will explain how to navigate the lake after dark using landmarks and a variety of lights. This slow speed tour (maximum 10 mph speed) will include a review of water depths, floating and underwater hazards and best practices for boating.

Boat Buying Consulting Services

Are you thinking about buying a boat, but you aren’t sure what the ideal boat is for you on Buckeye Lake? Captain Kelly offers consulting services assisting customers find the best boat to meet your needs.

Call Captain Kelly to discuss how he can help you find your forever boat!  Basic consulting for boat buying starts at $100.


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